REGISTER your street and COMMIT to start praying for your street, neighbors, and neighborhood
Send a WhatsApp or SMS to 072 412 7378 with your name, the street name and community/town/city e.g. Suzie Brown, Long Street, Strand
Loving our communities and seeing the transformation we desire, starts by praying for those who live on our street.
Prayer will change the spiritual climate of our neighborhoods;
Prayer will open doors to breakthrough;
Prayer will demolish walls of division.
“Loving my neighbor” should come in all shapes and sizes. Praying for those I live next to is the GRASSROOTS PRAYER that is part of the key catalysts to ignite the fires of revival and transformation in our COMMUNITIES
H-O-P-E (Houses Of Prayer Everywhere) – a very simple strategy to pray for our streets and spread the message to others until every street in the nation is covered with prayer. Once we start to pray for our neighborhoods it will not only take Christ into our communities but also open doors for social as well as spiritual breakthroughs. Prayer opens the door for us to walk through, it arranges opportunities, and it frees from strongholds.
ADOPT (a street/block) – Once you have committed to pray for your street and neighborhood, Adopt-a-Block will make it possible for EVERYBODY to see change come to your area in your lifetime… you are now God’s Missionary on your street. Instead of trying to reach the entire city, you become faithful in your one area.
- As a H-O-P-E Agent… Prayer Walk your street and block often
- Pick 2 or 3 households and start praying for them regularly
- Let others know that you are praying and ask them to join you.
- CLEAN and pick up any form of trash as you walk in your street
- Begin recognizing and befriending the people on your block in order to build relationships with them and find out what their needs are.
- Scout out your neighborhood for an area(s)/house (holds) that could use some love and service.